Kaytranada - Chances Evaluation 2

 A. Give one example of where you feel you contributed most effectively towards the successful completion of your music video. How were you able to support your teammates to produce their best work?

I think that in the making and creating of our music video for chances, everyone contributed to many parts of the production. I think that my biggest contribution to the making was the planning and production of the music video as I was the director of the group. It was my responsibility to make sure that each shot is the best it can be and only allow to move onto the next shot if I'm happy with it and not let anything bad slide through. I think that because of this and the help of another member in the group we managed to achieve an amazing music video. The way I was able to support my teammates to produce their best work was definitely by pushing the cameraman with reshooting the shot as I knew he can do a lot better.

B. Based on your performance in the unit, what would you say is the biggest area that you need to work on individually to develop as a media practitioner? How did this negatively impact on your work?

I believe, that reflecting back on my performance during the whole unit I would have to say without a doubt that my weakest area and the area I need to work on more would have to be using the camera. The things I struggle with the most is using the camera correctly, meaning getting the right feel and tone using the camera as well as just overall how to use it properly. Due to this I had to move away and back down from any camera work just so that we do not get any bad footage as we would have most likely if I had used the camera. To improve this I definitely have to spend more time with the camera doing basic things as well as asking people who are a lot more confident with it for tips and tricks.

C. Identify THREE possible targets to develop your practice. What can you do to ensure you are developing and your work is improving?

In order for me to improve my camera skills I need to do the filling:

1. Experiment with camera angles and movement - I simply just need to play around with the camera, try different angles for a single shot and experiment with that, see what looks the best as well as just moving around with the camera getting used to the feeling of holding it and using it.It's not something I'm used to as I've never really done a lot of camera work myself.

2. Spend more time with the camera with someone with experience  by my side. This is pretty simple, I will just need spend a decent amount of time shooting random things whilst having someone that is experienced and confident with the camera to just give me feedback and tips and tricks. Over time I will get a lot more confident with it.

3. Watch videos online with tutorials- I could possibly get some online help by watching videos and then trying to use that help and advise in some sort of shoot in real life. Possibly shooting a couple second scene so that I can use the tips I got from online. This is pretty similar to number 2, but I can get a lot more tips from online.

To ensure that I achieve the improvements I can track my progress with each time I practice with the camera and write my progress what I learnt, what I still struggled with and what I want to do for next time.
